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Provides new ways to explore relationships among anatomical structures, pathophysiological processes, gene expression levels and protein-protein interactions in the context of Medline literature and experimental data
Existing literature exploration solutions treat anatomical structures as concepts or at most concept diagrams, missing critical spatial information about different structures such as size, location, substructure and the relationships among them. Such information is important for developing comprehensive understanding of the functional implications of structure-specific data such as brain imaging data and gene expression patterns in different brain regions.
PubAnatomy is our attempt to use interactive anatomical structure graphs to address some of the issues for literature-driven exploration of neurobiological data sets. It provides new ways to explore relationships among brain structures, pathophysiological processes, gene expression levels and protein-protein interactions by presenting Medline literature and experimental data in the context of mouse brain anatomy and gene networks. PubAnatomy will help neurobiology-related literature exploration due to its integration of mouse brain anatomy, Allen Brain Atlas gene expression data, Michigan Molecular Interaction data with the Medline database.